Remote consultations worldwide for Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, learning disabilities

Many students have been told that their learning problems and struggles with school success are because they have ADD/ADHD or Dyslexia. Often they are told that they have both. ADD/ADHD and Dyslexia are very common labels that sometimes result from testing that is too limited. There can be multiple reasons why a student is a poor reader or has difficulty paying attention or following directions. Unfortunately, very often not all of the possible contributing causes of a student’s learning difficulties are explored and the true nature of the learning disabilities, and ways to truly help the student, are not uncovered.
Are you frustrated that you haven’t found a learning disabilities specialist or other professional who sees a bigger picture? Have you been concerned by what you may have experienced as a “one-size-fits-all approach”? Do you think that your student needs different help, in addition to what you have already found?
Families who live too far away to travel to the Portland office for comprehensive testing find that remote videoconference meetings with Dr. Minton are very helpful.
For more information about how the remote consultation process works, you can set up an initial meeting with Dr. Minton by sending an email describing your concerns about your student, or yourself, to There is no charge for this informational session.
Consultations are open for students from kindergarten through college and university. I always welcome the opportunity to work with homeschool and expat families. This process has worked well for students of all ages across the U.S., Canada, and worldwide, and I would look forward to the opportunity to work with you.